We are excited to announce that there are two convention satellite locations to watch our upcoming virtual convention on November 10th!
This first is at Pearson's Farm & Fencing in Colfax, WA. Pearson’s is furnishing the place, door prizes, lunch, snacks and coffee. The hosts are needing RSVP’s for the event (for a lunch head-count), but people can just stop by during the day to say ‘hi’ and watch parts of the convention. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP ASAP by e-mail: wcca2011@gmail.com or call/text Sarah Ryan, at 509-432-1300 by text or call.
The second location is at the Elk’s Lodge in Omak (110 Ash St S, Omak, WA) for our upcoming Nov. 10th WCA Virtual Convention. If you have any questions about going to this location to watch the convention, please e-mail Rachel McClure at mcclurebrand@gmail.com