Without faithful advertisers, our publication, the Ketch Pen, would not exist. We are excited about our full gloss, full color, 8.5x11, magazine publication to give our readers something that will hang out longer on coffee tables and waiting room tables all over Washington, Oregon and Idaho. With over 1800 copies circulated, the Ketch Pen is read faithfully by cattle producers, agribusinesses, and industry professionals every month.
On top of an amazing layout to advertise in the Ketch Pen, we also offer optional digital advertising packages that you can add on to Ketch Pen ads. If you have a website that you feel could benefit from more traffic, or a blog where you would like more readers, please give us a call to discuss your options.
Many producers are switching over to a virtual/online sale format for their sales. If you have considered doing the same, it may be more important than ever to advertise for your sale. Whether you are holding a physical or online sale this year, we hope that your sale is successful and would like to help you advertise. We are more dedicated than ever to adding considerable value to the success of our advertiser’s programs and would like to make sure that all WCA members are aware of how easy it is to advertise with us. Below you will find our rate sheet for the Ketch Pen. Don’t forget to check out the discounts! We have several premium positions available, but they are filling up rather quickly for the upcoming issues. We encourage you to look this sheet over and give us a call.
We look forward to talking to you!