Let Your Voice Be Heard
The WCA has a proud heritage that goes back to 1926. It starts with YOU!
The Washington Cattlemen's Association was established as the Washington State Cattle and Horse Raiser's Association in 1926 in Okonogan County where the first county cattlemen's association had been organized in 1915. Our success depends upon you, our members.
Your ongoing support through paying your dues, being active in county cattlemen's meetings, and engaging in state issues is exactly what makes WCA a successful organization!!!
Some of the many issues the WCA tackles in our counties, Olympia and beyond, include environmental issues, animal health, food safety, nutrition education, water rights, disaster/drought relief, international trade, tax relief and death tax reform, property rights, public lands access, Endangered Species Act reform, and animal ID.
With the continual separation of mainstream society and cattle, it will take a larger and stronger organization. If you are not a WCA member yet, we encourage you to join to secure the future of your operation and to let your voice be heard!!!

Is Membership For Me?
The WCA represents a wide-range of people and businesses involved in Washington’s cattle industry. Every day, we work for cattlemen throughout the Washington State. The volunteer leaders of the WCA are cattle producers just like you! We are grassroots driven.
Do you own cattle? Do you work on a ranch or farm? Do you sell products to ranchers? Are you involved in land stewardship? Are you involved in large animal health and care? Are you a supporter of the industry? Are you involved in agricultural education?
If you have answered yes to ANY of these questions, there is a place for you at the WCA and we invite you to membership. Help us lead the way for Washington’s cattle industry!