USDA announced the additional assistance on January 15, which includes expanding CFAP eligibility for some agricultural producers and commodities and updating payments to accurately compensate some producers who already applied for earlier assistance. This additional assistance builds on about $23.6 billion in payments made available through CFAP 1 and CFAP 2earlier signups.
Apply for CFAP Additional Assistance
USDA’s Farm Service Agency will accept new or modified CFAP applications from eligible producers January 19 through February 26, 2021. Certain producers will receive updated payments automatically.
Are you eligible for additional assistance through CFAP? Application information related to your operation is detailed below by the specific commodity you grow or raise.
Producers who are modifying their applications should contact their local USDA Service Center for assistance. Producers who are filing new applications should contact their Service Center or call 877-508-8364 for one-on-one support. Additional information for those now eligible to apply for CFAP 2 or for eligible producers making CFAP 2 application modifications is available at